Thursday, May 26, 2016

9-1 Week #2: Utopia Status Updates

Amisha, Rupin, Jessica, Martin: We have finished our political system and our country charter. We have a process for passing bills and laws. We have a name: Pualani.

Nadeem, Pacifica, Karan, April: We are doing rights and freedoms of our country and our Social Programs. We have a name: Wham Cake Island.

Joey, Kate, Harris, Areeba: We are working out on our political system and we are trying to figure out rights and freedoms for our citizens. Looking at trading allies. We have a name: Vermilious.

Rebecca, Hesham, Sydney, Alex: We are focusing on economics and we are trying to sort ourselves out as we are confused as a group. But feel we have a good start on the beliefs, values and political system of our country.

Lei, Lachlan, Courtney, Simon:  We are almost done our economic systems and are getting close to being done our social systems. We have a name: Malicuria.

Shannon, Ahd, Mai-Lan, Devaughn: We have figured out our political/environment systems and are now working on our social system. We also found out what resources we need to meet our basic needs, so we are planning on discussing with other groups about trade partnerships. We have a name: Zaconda.

Lexy, Taha, Tommy, Huda: We are finishing our political system and are entering our economic system with a country charter being create, We have a name: Pazious.

Hunayn, Mara, Julia, Lynden: We are wrapping things up in the Political system and making head way in the economic system. We have a name: Kalion.

Sarah, Sabrina, Evan, Mihir: We finished our Economic discussion. We are working on our Social System and are in process of making a good country. We had decided that our country name should be Goldborne cause we have a lot of gold.

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