Wednesday, May 18, 2016

9-1 Week #1: Utopia Status Updates

Completed Student-Group Conferences to get Country updates. Here are the groups after the first week of Utopia.

Amisha, Rupin, Jessica, Martin: "We are discussing our political and economic systems--using our beliefs and values to guide our decisions."

Nadeem, Pacifica, Karan, April: "Having completed values and beliefs, we are working on political, economic, environmental systems --believe we are centre left society."

Joey, Kate, Harris, Areeba: "Poor and small country. Working on health care and education. Going back and completing and reflecting on the values and beliefs chart".

Rebecca, Hesham, Sydney, Alex: "We are having heated discussions about what our economic and political beliefs should be. We have found a compromise on what our beliefs should be or around ---we are middle left wing."

Lei, Lachlan, Courtney, Simon: "We are in the process of making a great country."

Shannon, Ahd, Mai-Lan, Devaughn: "We have the basis of our values, economic and political systems but we need to tie off a few loose ends. By a few, we mean a lot, but we got it all under control."

Lexy, Taha, Tommy, Huda: "We have completed general rules and regulations amongst our country with a light overview of vision for the future."

Hunayn, Mara, Julia, Lynden: "We are in the process of completing our political system-combination of representation of democracy and demarchy."

Sarah, Sabrina, Evan, Mihir: "We believe that our political system should be a social democracy and our economic system should be a command/mixed economy or known as socialism."

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