Humanities 9

June 15, 2016

Review using

June 9, 2016

9-1 Finished Utopian Response and set up for Celebration of Learning.

June 8, 2016

9-1 Double block --Trifold building. Encouraged to stay for study stop to add any last minute details.

June 7, 2016

Double Utopia - One period individual response; One period self and peer assessment. Trifold building on Wednesday --be prepared to print and paste on your trifold.

June 6, 2016 

Great poem presentations! Complete Chapter 9 questions for Monday, June 13.

June 2, 2016

Double Poetry Blocks --selecting poems for oral presentations on Monday. Looking forward to hearing your voices and seeing your creativity!

Remember to discuss your poem choice with Mr Yeats or Ms Atwal.  Also if you choose to record your poem, you must have the poem set up to play on Monday or you will have to present it yourself.

Check the booklet if you have questions.

June 1, 2016

9-1 Double Utopia blocks --students working through environmental systems and addressing individual environmental crisis. This work will continue on Friday.

May 31, 2016

9-1 Started Poetry Unit today with definitions and author motivation.

As well, listened to Neil Gaiman read his poem “The Day the Saucers Came”. Use links as needed to finish off your image.

Homework: Poem Analysis for Thursday

Katy Perry: Fireworks

Do you ever feel
Like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind
Wanting to start again
Do you ever feel
Feel so paper-thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in
Do you ever feel
Already buried deep
Six feet under
Screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there’s
Still a chance for you
‘Cause there’s a spark in you
You just gotta
Ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
‘Cause baby, you’re a firework
Come on show them what you’re worth
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
You’re gonna leave before they know
You don’t have to feel
Like a waste of space
You’re original
Cannot be replaced
If you only knew
What the future holds
After a hurricane
Comes a rainbow
Maybe the reason why
All the doors are closed
So you could open one
That leads you to the perfect …
Like a lightning bolt
Your heart will glow
And when it’s time you know
You just gotta
Ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
‘Cause baby, you’re a firework
Come on show them what you’re worth
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
You’re gonna leave before they know
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It’s always been inside of you, you, you
And now it’s time to let it through
‘Cause baby, you’re a firework
Come on show them what you’re worth
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh”
You’re gonna leave before they know
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

May 27, 2016

This weekend check out the checklist for Utopia --after week 2. What has your group completed and what does the group still need to do.

May 26, 2016

9-1: Double Utopia! Countries have names and students are progressing through their economic systems. Group discussions have been insightful with lots of good questions being asked.

Friday, May 27: Chapter 7 Quiz.

May 25, 2016

9-1 Double Social Studies today. Reviewed Chapter 7 booklet on Consumerism. Quiz on Friday. As well, did a check in on advertising techniques through a gallery walk. Moreover, watched Story of Stuff. Complete remaining questions for Friday. Here is a link to Story of Stuff for your reference:

Be prepared for double block Utopia on Thursday.

May 24, 2016

9-1 Double-block Utopia Time. Start working on the economic system --ensure it is interconnected with the political system, and your values and beliefs. You will have more time on Thursday. For Wednesday be prepared to continue with our Media Literacy work.

**Chapter 7 Consumer Booklet --completed and ready for discussion.

May 19, 2016

Both classes started the poetry unit with some free verse poems! Good story telling! Reviewed Consumer Kids video sheet and advertising techniques (see Powerpoint in Language Arts 9 -under Media Literacy)

Advertising Techniques you need to be familiar with:

  • Bandwagon Effect
  • Emotional Appeal
  • Glittering Generalities
  • Plain Folks Appeal
  • Testimonials
  • Scientific Appeal
  • Complete Chapter 7 Consumerism Booklet
  • Look through your 3 Ads and identify advertising technique used

Chapter 7 test will be next Friday

Don't forget to check your utopia checklist to make sure you are on pace to have this done in a stress-free manner.

May 18, 2016

9-1 Excellent work with Utopia today! I enjoyed my first group check ins and our discussions of how groups are working together. Please ensure you are ready with your advertising ads for Thursday. Check out your classmates country updates on our home page.

May 17, 2016

9-2:  Finish the Chapter 7 Booklet --completed till end of Environment Factor (end of Page 3) for Thursday May 19. Factors completed in the booklet include Identity; Health and Safety; and Environment.  Also finish the worksheet for Consuming Kids.  We will be having a discussion about it that day.

May 16, 2016

9-1: Media Literacy assignment ----find 3 magazine ads and answer questions given in the assignment (for Wednesday). As well, spent time in class working on Utopia values and beliefs for individuals and society. Groups are working well and discussing how they are moving forward with their countries.

*(Chapter 7 Booklet --completed till end of Environment Factor (end of Page 3) for Tuesday, May 17. Factors completed in the booklet include Identity; Health and Safety; and Environment.

May 12, 2016

Fantastic Utopia Launch today! We know where we are in the world --we know our societal factors including GDP per Capita; Unemployment Rate; Literacy Rate; Infant Mortality Rate; Population Below Poverty Line. Please ask your child to share their Utopia group work with you thus far this week.

Chapter 7 Booklet --completed till end of Environment Factor (end of Page 3) for Tuesday, May 17. Factors completed in the booklet include Identity; Health and Safety; and Environment.

May 9, 2016

9-1 Completed Chapter 8 assessment. Started working in Utopia groups. Completing values and beliefs chart --more time on Wednesday. ELA Part A Essay and Business Letter on Tuesday. Bring your toolkit of supplies.

ELA Part A Toolkit:
  • 2 pencils and an eraser
  • blue and black pen for signing your business letter
  • dictionary
  • thesaurus
  • good sleep and breakfast
May 6, 2016

9-1/9-2 Peer Edited Practice PAT --using essay and business letter rubrics.

9-1 Will have a Chapter 8 assessment on Monday.

May 5, 2016

9-1 Well done with your Timed Practice PAT! Chapter 8 Assessment on Monday. Please review vocabulary and key concepts from your Chapter 8 booklet.

9-2.  If you need to refresh yourself to answer the podcast questions here's the link

May 2, 2016

9-1 Welcome back Sailors!

Shakespeare Stations due Wednesday.

In preparation for our ELA Part A assessment on Tuesday, May 10 we will have a practice this Thursday by writing an essay and business letter. Start putting together your tool kit as you will need:

  • 2 pencils and an eraser
  • blue and black pen for signing your business letter
  • dictionary
  • thesaurus
  • good sleep and breakfast
Reviewed Chapter 8 booklet. Chapter 8: Social Programs assessment Monday, May 9.

April 29th

9-1 Fantastic work this morning with creating data graphs for your Budget Response. Please have a budget response and your graphs made for Monday. Share your learning responsibilities with your elbow buddy over the weekend. As well, your Chapter 8 booklet needs to be completed till end of Alberta Political Parties summary page. Some important upcoming dates to put on your calendar:

  • Tuesday, May 3: Mount Royal Field trip
  • Thursday, May 5: Practice Timed ELA PAT (essay and business letter)
  • Friday, May 6: Track Meet for those of you participating
  • Monday, May 9: Chapter 8 Test: Social Programs
  • Tuesday, May 10: ELA Part A (early dismissal this day)
  • Friday, May 13: Grade 9 Triathlon 

April 28th

9-2  I couldn't get the computers to do Shakespeare tomorrow so you will be finishing the budget assignment.

9-1 Citizenship and Government Budget Planning discussion. Alberta Budget Comparisons made from 2007 to 2015. Students are asked to complete their own budget planning for what financial decisions they would make if they were in charge of Alberta's finances for Friday.

Both Classes

Alberta 2014-15
Health care38.99%19.3
Advanced Education11.11%5.5
Social service7.88%3.9
Conservation and industrial aid2.91%1.44
Transportation and communication1.35%0.67
Protection of Person and property2.83%1.4
Rec and culture0.61%0.3
environmental protection3.88%1.92
Paying down the debt/ legacy fund4.24%2.1

REMEMBER: For budgeting:

·       UP - write the new amount in RED                                                NOTE: In AB, each 1% increase costs 0.35 B, CAN = 2.3 B
·       DOWN - write the new amount in BLACK                           - SHORT ON CASH?  - Increase Your Taxation Rate:

·       STAYS THE SAME - write the amount in BLUE                          Increase 1%: in AB = 5 B more / in Canada = 9 B more!

April 27th

9-1 Class time to complete Political Party summarization and research political parties in Alberta. Students should be completed questions #15-18. In this section of Chapter 8, it is important to understand the relationship between economic and political systems.

Student should be completed up to the start of question 18 in their Chapter 8 Inquiry booklets.

April 26nd


Introduced Shakespeare through brainstorming and watching this TED talk. Take a look.

Shakespeare is Everywhere.

Reviewed Chapter 8 vocabulary. Source analysis of health care articles (Page 276-277). Complete questions #12,13,14 for homework for Wednesday.

April 21st

9-1 Completed a timed business letter and reviewed envelope formatting. As well, started working on Chapter 8 booklet. Students completed the first page (survey and questions) in class and are assigned Page 2 #4-9 for Tuesday.

Students viewed this Chapter 8: Social Programs video as an introduction.

With Shakespeare's birthday on the weekend, students are asked to find a sonnet of their choice for Tuesday. Here are some links to support your research.

April 20th

9-1 Business Letters:

Take a moment to cross check your business letter for Taylor Smith with this link. There are several exemplars for a satisfactory; proficient; and excellent business letter. Thursday, you will have a timed writing block for writing a business letter and envelope.

April 19th

9-1: Great work with Immigration Source analysis. For Wednesday, try to bring in a draft of your business letter and a completed essay.

Business Letter Assignment:

April 18th

Essay good copies will be due on Wednesday April 20.  If they are not in Mr Y's hands by 3:15 you will receive a 1 in writing and get a phone call home to explain why.

April 15th

Due on Monday:  Essay rough copies done and PRINTED!!!!  Storybooks are due

April 13th

Both classes should have their essay outlines completed for the morning.   I have decided to extend the due for the storybook to Monday

April 12th

Both classes have the storybook due Friday

9-1 Essay outlines should be finished for tomorrow.  
9-2 Should have finished thesis' and be ready to outline/rough copy tomorrow.

April 11th

9-1 Double periods to work on Children's immigration story. Story due on Friday.
  • Need to cover refugees; family class; economic immigrants; and humanitarian "other" categories in story.
  • Need a title; about the author(s) page

April 8th

Your task for Monday is to break down these questions, determine what you're being asked to do, and to write a thesis statement.  Remember, the thesis is your answer to the questions

Discuss the importance of developing mature judgement and how that impacts a person’s decision making.

Write an essay discussing the passage of time and how it impacts a persons perspective.

April 4th

Business letter two is due tomorrow.
Started film study

April 1st

Happy April guys and gals.  Hope you enjoyed the sign up for the Skydiving club.

The chapter 5 booklet we started this week should be done for monday.  There will be a vocab quiz monday on key terms from the booklet.  We will be starting our project for this unit next week

We will be writing the next business letter monday and tuesday, and then moving onto our film study.

March 16 &17 
Both Classes, Enjoy your break and get ready to hit the ground running!  It's going to be a busy few months!

9-2 I will not see you for Hum until after break.  Please make sure you have your refugee and family trees completed for our first day back.

March 15, 2016

Everyone- I've fixed the textbook link in the core page on D2L so that chapters 4,5 and 7-9 are all working.  If you have problems they are also in the Cougar community pages under content.  

Remember your Chapter 4 is test tomorrow.

9-2- great work on the Practice PAT.  

March 14, 2016

9-1 Practice PAT Essay ---well done students! For Tuesday, you need to hand in your "Not Just a Refugee" storyboard and we will review your Chapter 4 Collective Rights booklet.
  • Wednesday: Chapter 4: Collective Rights Test
  • Thursday: Citizenship Ceremony and Current Events
  • Socials: Chapter 4 Test

March 11, 2016

Great work on the speeches guys! 9-2 we'll be finishing our speeches Monday before we start essay writing.  

March 10, 2016

Great work 9-1 and 9-2 with speeches! Your student choice and voice in content made your speeches genuine and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Remaining students will present on Friday. Current Events will be taken up next week sometime or after spring break.

March 9, 2016

9-1 Upcoming Dates
  • Speeches: Thursday, March 10
  • Practice PAT Essay: Monday, March 14
  • Chapter 4 Test: Wednesday, March 16
  • Citizenship Ceremony: Thursday, March 17
  • Spring Break Starts: Friday, March 18
Chapter 4 booklet: complete up to and including Official Languages (Page 141-145) for Thursday. As well, started storyboarding for "Not Just A Refugee". Students read the poem and are creating images from the stanzas to give a visual representation. Students will be given one more period to complete this task.

"Not Just a Refugee" - Bri Mar

March 8, 2016

  • 9-1 
    •  We worked on the chapter workbook in first period.  Sorry about the mixup with the photocopying, you will get the fixed copies tomorrow.
    • Don't forget to read the poem, noting the image that comes to mind next to each stanza.
    • You had 20 minutes to practice your speech with your classmates.  This is the last class time you have.
  • 9-2
    • We worked on the chapter 4 workbook this morning, then started reviewing the timeline assignment
    • After lunch we finished reviewing the timeline and then worked on our essay templates.

March 7, 2016

9-1 Double Periods to work on speeches today. Speech presentations on Thursday. For Tuesday, ensure your Treaties Timeline is complete and bring in a final draft of your speech if you did not hand in today.

We reviewed the Timeline today, then moved on to editing our speeches.  Remember, you will have tomorrow to practice only, so your outline and speech should be ready to go.  

March 4, 2016

  • Treaties Timeline - Monday
  • Draft Speech - Monday

March 3, 2016


Finished Episode #6 in Elder in the Making. Link
  • Family Tree --Friday
  • Treaties Timeline --Monday
  • Draft Speech --Monday

March 2, 2016

9-1 Timeline: Two Views of the Numbered Treaties

For Thursday: Read Source Analysis (Page 130-131) and complete timeline
  • Treaty 6 (only First Nations Perspective)
  • 1876: The Indian Act (only Canadian Government Perspective)
  • A Perspective from Treaty 7 (only First Nations Perspective)
  • 1879:  Residential Schools (only Canadian Government Perspective)
Great start on the Treaties timeline.  You will have class time on this tomorrow.  We watched the fourth and fifth episodes of "Elder in the Making".
Plus that was a great mini-discussion of Trump we had.

March 1, 2016

9-1 Began Kindness Essay Outline - need to complete introduction paragraph outline for Wednesday.
  • Family Tree Research due Friday
  • Introduction Paragraph Outline due Wednesday
    • Hook
    • Thesis statement
    • Body Paragraph #1 sentence
    • Body Paragraph #2 sentence
    • Body Paragraph #3 sentence
    • Conclusion sentence
  • We watched "Elder in the Making" episode 3 and responded to the following question in our visual journals:
    • Consider the role of ceremony in your life.  What purpose does it have in shaping you?  How might it be difficult to understand ceremonies different from your own?
    • Find Episode 3:
  •  Began "Elder In The Making" Speech outline.  We'll be working on this in class.  
  • You were also given your family tree pre-assignment.  This should be done done at home for Monday
  • We watched "Elder in the Making" episode 3 and responded to the following question in our visual journals:
    • Consider the role of ceremony in your life.  What purpose does it have in shaping you?  How might it be difficult to understand ceremonies different from your own?

Feb 29, 2016

9-1 and 9-2 wrote their Chapter 6: Economics test. Students absent today will write the test when they return to school.

9-1: Introduction to Essay writing and Citizenship ceremony (March 17) expectations. As well, students are completing research for their family tree to understand the push and pull factors involved in immigration.

Feb 26, 2016 

All Classes:  On the back page of the review book it asks you to write a letter to the Prime Minister. Skip this!!! Chapter 6 Test: Economics on Monday: review key concepts and vocabulary.

9-2:  To clear up the confusion after today here is a list of the remaining current event groups and the day they are going on.
March 4- Jack and Jielin, Jayden
March 11- Daneil, Naomi, Euan, Bryanna
March 17- Quinn, Mike

Feb 25, 2016

Both classes finished last weeks Current Events, as well as worked on the Chapter 6 Review sheet.

9.2 Here's your Econ Vocab connections.

and 9.1 here's yours

February 24, 2016

Both Classes: If you have missed an episode of "Elder in the Making" you can find them on youtube by searching or following this link.

Moreover, episodes can be followed individually at:



9-1: Watched Episode 2 of Elder in the Making and introduced the final task to write a speech to capture a life lesson or an "aha" moment. As well, reviewed supply and demand worksheet along with the case studies. Encouraged students to create a vocabulary mind map and making connections amongst all concepts learned.

1.            Economics
2.            Economic System
3.            Economy
4.            Scarcity
5.            Privately Owned
6.            Publicly Owned
7.            Market Economy
8.            Mixed Economy
9.            Planned Economy
10.       Public Good
11.       Shift Left
12.       Shift Right
13.       Crown Corporation
14.       Consumers
15.       Producers
16.       Demand
17.       Supply
18.       Competition
19.       Unemployment Rate
20.       Strike
21.       Collective Bargaining

22.       Labour Union


We went through Case Study 3, then started the review sheet for Economics.  Remember the test is on Monday Feb 29.

February 23, 2016

9-1 and 9-2 watched Episode 1 of Elder in the Making. If you have Telus TV on Demand---you can watch the documentary as well.

9-1 Case Study#2 - The Case of Disappearing Jobs (Page 226).

9-2 Finish Supply and Demand Worksheet

Chapter 6 Test on Monday.

February 22, 2016

Introduction to Elder in the Making documentary. Chris H will be here on Tuesday to share his process of making and interviewing for his documentary. As well, students completed an analysis of Calvin and Hobbes comic in relation to supply and demand. Moreover, started working on a review sheet for supply and demand (due Tuesday). Chapter 6 Economics test for 9-1 will be next Monday, February 29. Students should start reviewing earlier notes and vocabulary.

Chapter 6 Vocabulary: Economic Systems

  • Economics
  • Economic System
  • Economy
  • Scarcity
  • Privately Owned
  • Publicly Owned
  • Market Economy
  • Mixed Economy
  • Planned Economy
  • Public Good
  • Shift Left
  • Shift Right
  • Crown Corporation
  • Consumers
  • Producers
  • Demand
  • Supply
  • Competition
  • Unemployment Rate
  • Strike
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Labour Union

February 19, 2016

9-1 For Monday
  • Landlady Response
  • Capitalism: A Love Story Source Analysis

February 18, 2016

9-1 Landlady: please self-edit your response with the self-edit checklist. Use the checklist to guide your editing process. For Monday, you need to complete the self-edit checklist and bring in a final draft stapled together. Remember "make your words count!"

Source Analysis: Friday.

February 17, 2016

9-1 Continued to watch Capitalism: A Love Story. Gather your evidence from what you have seen and complete the source analysis using the provided Economics T-Chart. Check out the documentary at this link:

February 16, 2016

9-2: Continued to watch Capitalism: A Love Story.  Please remember the brief uses of profanity. Start to think about your Economics T-Chart to fill out. 

9:1: Began Capitalism: A Love Story.  

February 10, 2016


Short Story assessment on Tuesday. Review short story vocabulary and short story review chart. As well, you need to bring in a draft of your Landlady response. If you want to watch The Landlady check out this link:

Writing Prompt #1

Length:  5 paragraphs

Pretend you are Billy and you are staying in the bed and breakfast. As you go up to bed after tea, you decide to write a letter to a friend or relative expressing your growing concern that something is not right with your situation.  In your letter, include three clues (examples of foreshadowing) that are making you nervous about staying in the bed and breakfast. Express your concerns, but do not change the plot. You cannot, for example, throw the tea in the landlady's face and make a run for it.

Paragraph #1 (Intro):  Introduce the situation to your friend/relative. 
Paragraph #2, #3, and #4 (Body):  Introduce a specific clue or set of clues. Explain your reasoning as to why you believe these clues indicate there is a problem.
Paragraph #5 (Conclusion):  Restate your concern and how you anticipate resolving the situation.   

Writing Prompt #2

Length:  5 paragraphs

Since the branch manager is expecting Billy, chances are good that a police detective will eventually knock on the landlady’s door to investigate Billy’s disappearance.  Pretend you are that detective.  Your job as a detective is to gather as much compelling evidence as possible to prove or disprove that the landlady was guilty of murder.  Unlike most detectives, you are able to look at the text of the story for additional clues.  By the end of your paper, you must make a decision as to whether the landlady is guilty or not guilty.

Paragraph #1 (Intro):  Introduce the situation and explain what your goal is in presenting the situation.
Paragraph #2, #3, and #4 (Body):  Present and explain a set of evidence.
Paragraph #5 (Conclusion):  Review all of the evidence and make a decision as to whether the landlady is guilty or not guilty.   

Writing Prompt #3

Length:  5 paragraphs

You are the landlady, and it has come to your attention that your actions and motives have been misinterpreted.  Although you may be eccentric at times, you want to prove how you’ve been misunderstood with these ambiguous situations.  Your task is to prove your innocence by defending or clarifying all of the things that other people feel are suspicious.   

Paragraph #1 (Intro):  Introduce the situation and express your concerns.  Include the issues that establish the different perspectives (your point of view and others).    
Paragraph #2, #3, and #4 (Body):  Defend or clarify one situation (per paragraph) that people find to be suspicious or ambiguous.
Paragraph #5 (Conclusion):  Restate your situation and viewpoint.  Include how you hope to avoid situations such as these in the future.  

Possible Helpful website to see the political and economic connection:

Economic Spectrum-----

Basic Economic Questions:

1. What to Produce?

  • Traditional: needs to survive
  • Planned: government decides
  • Mixed: businesses/consumers decide
  • Market: consumers decide
2. How to Produce:
  • Traditional: hunting/gathering
  • Planned: government decisions/planning
  • Mixed: government sets safety standards
  • Market: Businesses choose
3. Who gets it/For Whom?
  • Traditional: make their own/barter/trade
  • Planned: government controls goods and services
  • Mixed: consumers' income, government welfare
  • Market: based on consumers' income

9-2: Also started watching "Capitalism: A Love Story" 20 minutes in.  You can find on youtube or Netflix. 

February 9, 2016


  • Economics Worksheet  "Economic Systems and Position Paper Outline (front/back of page one) for Wednesday. see D2L
  • The Landlady - Short Story
    • Vocabulary: 
      • Brisk, pillar, facade, chrysanthemum, congenial, rapacious, dithering, compelling, compulsion, threshold, particular, proceedings, reins, dainty, tantalizing, lingers, undergraduate, emanate, trifle, blemish
      • Find 5 examples of foreshadowing in "The Landlady"
      • PDF link to the story:

SHORT STORY TEST: Tuesday, February 16   *** 9-1 Only, 9-2 will write later

February 8, 2016

Draw the economic spectrum and label the 3 economies with their distinguishing characteristics.  Understand the economic spectrum.  Do it in your journal or on a blank piece of paper.

February 4, 2016

9-2: Chapter 6 Economics Systems and Position Paper Outline page 1 and 2 only.  

9-1: completing a mixed economy; market economy; and planned economy worksheetWatched "The Veldt" and made a comparison to the short story. Students are writing a response in their journals --describing the theme (s); conflict (s); and foreshadowing in the short story.

Current Events on Friday.

February 3, 2016

9-1 and 9-2 participated in an airplane making and flying through hoop activity. Students were asked to make connections to economics; economies; competition; production; distribution; and economic spectrum.

9-1 Read "The Veldt" in class today and here is a link to the PDF version of the story. While reading the short story we identified the figurative language the author Ray Bradbury used. Students found examples of:
  • onomatopoeia
  • imagery
  • similie
  • metaphor
  • personification
  • idiom
If you want to listen to "The Veldt" please check out this link:

Journal Response:

In a paragraph: Make a real world connection to lifestyle of the family in the story and the current society's obsession with technology. What does having too much technology done to them? To us?

February 2, 2016

Started making connections between the economic and political systems.

January 29, 2016

9-2 - Types of Irony due Tuesday, February 2

January 28, 2016

9-1 Finish Short Story matching vocabulary and journal response for Tuesday, February 2.

Lamb to the Slaughter – Roald Dahl

Journal Response

Write a response to the story defending or condemning Mary Maloney’s actions. Base your response on details from the story and make your own opinion.

9-2 Finish Short Story matching  vocabulary for Tuesday, February 2. 

January 27, 2016

Read "Lamb to the Slaughter" today ( Students looked at new vocabulary and types of irony present in the story. On Thursday, they will find examples of verbal, dramatic, and situational irony.

  •  tranquil                      
  • punctual                      
  • blissful                        
  • luxuriate                     
  • bewildered                  
  • peculiar                        
  • frantic                         
  • congealed                    
  • exasperated                  
  • consoling                  
January 26, 2016

All students completed a reading assessment using Read Theory. For more information on Read Theory please take a look at As well, students continued to work on their Gore Character Trait Analysis due Wednesday.

January 25, 2016

Gore Character Trait Analysis

1. Choose trait (explaining trait; importance)

2. Trait (explaining importance to the story and to the character); use evidence

3. Personal Reflection (how are you and the character connected through this trait; Or how does this trait reflect you.....); you need to make a connection with a character.

***Written Response: 2-3 Paragraphs (edit, spelling, mechanics; sentence structure)

January 20 2016

  • Character Analysis for Gore
    • For Both Lucas and Amy, in separate charts, complete: Based on what Lucas says and does, describe the characters.  Find 3 separate character traits from the text and provide evidence from the story for proof.  
    • Character traits could include actions, reactions, how they speak, how they do things, gender, attitude, relationship between other characters, what motivates them, hobbies or interests, etc
    • Due tomorrow
  • Began intro to Economics discussing Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

January 19, 2016

January 18, 2016

  • Finished discussing scenarios in relation to violation or not within the Charter
  • Began Short Story Unit
    • Students brainstormed why short stories are good and interesting, list of figurative language within short stories
    • Intro Story - Gore by Sarah Ellis (see D2L)
      • focus on the use of metaphors and similes within
      • Homework: 
        • find as many similes and metaphors used within the story
        • Choose one that you find to be most effective.  Why is it effective?  What was the purpose of it?  How would the story changed if it wasn't used. 

January 15, 2016

-finished writing Source Analysis

January 13, 2016

Students started working on their source analysis. Students were given 2 sources and were asked to analyze and write about their ideas.

January 12, 2016

  • Please find your source analysis instructions page  - you are writing a source analysis on the charter tomorrow
  • Please read through pages 100-110.  These case studies could help you for tomorrow
Please go onto the Cougar Community D2L Shell and fill out the buddy reading program form - this is to match you up the best with your reading buddy - only if you are interested in participating in this program.  - Due by tomorrow morning

January 11, 2016

Went through the Charter scavenger hunt.

January 8, 2016

  • Please complete your Charter scavenger hunt for Monday.
  • Please complete your Flurry of Fun journal responses for Monday.

January 7, 2016

Please complete your Charter scavenger hunt for Monday.

January 6, 2016

Please complete your Flurry of Fun journal responses for Monday. 

January 5, 2016

  • Service Hours Due January 15
  • Into to Charter Inquiry

January 4, 2016

  • Sign up for Current Events
  • Service Hours due January 15
  • Completing: A Flurry of Fun Journalling Task - one more period on Tuesday (9-1 ONLY)

December 16, 2015

End of Novel Reflection Task:

We have finished reading our novel, Touching Spirit Bear. Cole carved certain animals that represent how he felt and what he has learned while on the island. What kind of animal (s) would you carve if you had to describe how you are feeling right now or what life lessons you have learned up to this point in your journey? In your journal, think of an animal (s) and in point form identify how the animal represents you. 

For more information on Spirit Animals and their meanings take a look at this website.

December 15, 2015

9-1 and 9-2 please finish reading Touching Spirit Bear tonight.

Audio version Chapter 25-26

Audio version Chapter 27-28

December 14, 2015

9-1: Read Touching Spirit Bear till end of Chapter 22.

Audio version of Chapter 19-21

Audio version of Chapter 22

Introduced Biographic Poem: Choose a character and complete the poem for a character up to Chapter 22.

December 11, 2015

Study for your Chapter 2 Assessment on Monday, December 14 - YCJA
- Practice multiple choice questions and graphic organizers have just been added to D2L

9-2: Finish reading Touching Spirit Bear up to the end of Chapter 22

December 9, 2015

Started reviewing for Chapter 2 Assessment on Monday, December 14.

9-1 Read Chapters 16-18 in class. Follow link to audio version of the chapters.

December 8, 2015

9-1 Read Chapters 13-15 in class. Follow link to audio version of the chapters.

Chapter 13-15 Agree or Disagree

Chapter 13:

Repeated sentence: “Anger is a memory never forgotten.” (Page 119) Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Explain.

Chapter 14:

“We all have things we wish we could do over again.” (Page 119) Do you agree or disagree with this statement. If you could have a re-do of an event in your life what would it be and why?

Chapter 15:

At the end of Chapter 15, we learn Cole is going back to the Island. What will be different this time? How will Cole approach his second chance? Do you agree or disagree that he should be able to go back to the island and why?

December 7, 2015

For 9-2:  Justice Brochure is due tomorrow

LA - Chapter 6-10 Quote analysis (due tomorrow)
     - At least to the end of chapter 12 needs to be read

TSB: Chapter 11 and 12 (start at 6:50)

December 3, 2015

Justice Brochure due Monday.

Please read Chapters 8-10 for Monday:
  • Check out the PDF of Touching Spirit Bear
  • Check out the audio version:
  • Chapters can be found on the provided YouTube Link
TSB: Chapter 7-8

December 2, 2015

Complete graphic organizer with research for Juries and Advocacy Groups for Thursday. One period on Thursday will be given to start your brochures.

Read Chapter 6-7 of Touching Spirit Bear. Here is a link to the PDF version of the novel:

Audio version of Touching Spirit Bear:

December 1, 2015

Socials: Justice Brochure research. Brochure due on Monday, Dec. 7.

ELA: For Wednesday: complete Chapter 4-5 Questions and Conflict Questions. Below are our notes for Conflict.


If there is no conflict in a story, there is actually no story, no plot. Conflict must exist within. It can be in a variety of forms:

1. Man vs Man
  • Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader
2. Man vs Nature
  • Mark vs Mars
  • Bear Grylls vs The Rainforest
3. Man vs Self
  • Mike Ross in Suits
4. Man vs Society
  • Hunger Games
  • Divergent
5. Man vs Supernatural
  • Paranormal activity
  • Ghostbusters
6. Man vs Technology
  • The Matrix
  • Terminator
  • Robocop

November 30, 2015

Please have Chapters 4-5 read in Touching Spirit Bear for Tuesday.

Please Google Share and print your Persuasive Paragraph for Tuesday. See Writing Supports in the Blog for guidelines for your paragraph response. To what extent does the YCJA, in a circumstance as you just researched, represent the issues and needs of Canadian citizens? 

November 26, 2015

Youth Justice Case - Researched and Analyzed for Monday. As well, a draft paragraph answering the following question --in Google Docs ready to be edited.

To what extent does the YCJA, in a circumstance as you just researched, represent the issues and needs of Canadian citizens?

November 25, 2015

Journalling for Chapter 1-3 Character Analysis

November 24, 2015

1. Within the Justice System - textbook questions - Due Tomorrow (Wednesday)

2. Began reading Chapter 2 of Touching Spirit Bear.
**Chapters 1-3, audio version, are on D2L - Language Arts, Touching Spirit Bear.


November 23, 2015

Chapter 2 Vocabulary introduced and discussed using visual pictures.

  • fair and equitable
  • justice
  • justice system
  • legislation
  • validity
  • community service
  • criminal record
  • sentence
  • rehabilitate
  • reintegrate
Started reading Touching Spirit Bear. Read Chapter 1. If you want to hear the chapter again or listen to chapters if you are absent please refer to the following website.

Touching Spirit Bear Novel Study:

November 19, 2015

Review of Justice Graphic Organizer:

November 18, 2015

If you did not complete your Justice task, please complete for Thursday.

Complete Justice Graphic Organizer

  • Definition
  • Examples
  • Non-examples
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Symbol (in journal)
Touching Spirit Bear Predictions and Image Analysis in journals.

Reading Strategies
  • re-reading the sentence
  • reading questions prior to passage
  • highlight words in passage
  • create a timeline
  • make predictions
  • make connections with visuals and how they connect with content
November 17, 2015

Complete Justice Graphic Organizer
  • Definition
  • Examples
  • Non-examples
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Symbol (in journal)

November 16, 2015

Reading Comprehension Assessment --completing on Tuesday.
Spirit Bear Research due Tuesday. 

Spirit Bear introductory video.

If you are interested in viewing the TED talk mentioned in class on visual note taking --see this link. 

Drawing in Class: Rachel Smith.

Chapter 1 test Retake

- Thursday, November 12
- Prepare yourself appropriately

Friday, November 6

Remembrance Day task - due Tuesday: Period 1 for both 9-1 and 9-2 homerooms.

Thursday, November 5

Remembrance Day task - due Tuesday. One more period to work on your research/poster on Friday.

Wednesday, November 4

We watched Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's swearing in ceremony. Students also started their research for their Remembrance Day task.

Tuesday, November 3

Chapter 1 Assessment - Thursday.

Monday, November 2

Started Student Conferences regarding CREED today. It was a good opportunity to hear from some students and listening to them speak to their work. 

Thursday, October 29
For Monday, November 2 please complete the following tasks:
  • CREED 
  • Bill to Law
Chapter 1 Test on Tuesday, November 3
  • Use Chapter 1 Study Guide ---for studying and reviewing concepts/vocabulary

Monday, October 26

Upcoming Due Dates:

Students should be working on their CREED task each evening.

Monday, November 2: CREED Task due

Tuesday, November 3: Chapter 1 Assessment - review class notes/vocabulary

Thursday, October 22
Understanding Your Federal Political System
How Government is Structured
Pages 22-37

In your visual journal or notebook, create  an understanding of the structure of our government with responsibilities.  You may want to include not only the responsibilities of the different sections but also what they are comprised of (documents and people) and how to become part of that section. 

Structure Checklist:
Ć¼  Executive Branch
Ć¼  Judicial Branch
Ć¼  Canada’s Constitution
Ć¼  Legislative Branch
Ć¼  Senate
Ć¼  House of Commons
Ć¼  Monarch of Britain

Ć¼  Cabinet

Monday, October 19

Bring in text (poem, quote, song lyrics) that speak to you for your CREEDO task. As well, spend some time this evening looking and reflecting over your CREEDO tasks as we will be introducing to you our final CREEDO task this week.

Poems analyzed in class:

Thursday, October 8

Political Spectrum

Check out the National Post of the Political Platforms
  • Complete your Political Party Platforms Chart and answer the question with a strong position and arguments (reasons) why. -  (document is available on D2L under Social Studies)
  • If you have time, go to and take your political spectrum test!
Tuesday, October 6

  • Read through "History of Voting Rights in Canada" and complete your critical thinking questions.  It's due tomorrow. 
    • Why do you think less people are voting today?
    • Is the decline in voting disrespectful to those that had to fight for their right to vote?
    • Based off of the reading “History of Voting Rights in Canada” and your own personal knowledge, should voting be mandatory? Explain.  Take a position and argue it.  

Thursday, October 1

  • Current Events on Friday
  • Review Journal CREEDO Tasks ---check for task completion; add information 

Tuesday, September 29

Great discussion today for Survivor Island!  

  • Complete the democracy and dictatorship worksheet at home for Wednesday.

Read "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost and complete the analysis for Wednesday.
  • The differences between the two roads?
  • Is the author happy about his choice?
  • Do you think it was a difficult decision?
  • Look at the line from the poem: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by…Why does the author repeat the word “I” twice?  What effect does it have on the poem?
  • What does the poem mean?  (Use ARTWARS for analysis)
  • Many people in America consider this to be their favourite poem.  Why do you think so?
  • A moral is something that you can learn from a story, a poem or an experience.  Does this poem have a moral?
  • What is the road less travelled?  What does it actually mean?  Figuratively or literally.
  • Analysis and Connection to you: Think of some major decisions that you will have to make in your life.  What are they (make a list).  How will you decide what is the right decision. 
The Road Not Taken
 by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Wednesday, September 23

Choose a song that relates/connects to your creed. Explain why and analyze it for Tuesday.

Strategies you might want to use:

  • SLIME (Structure, Language, Imagery,  Meaning, Effect)
  • ARTWARS (About, Repetition, Tone, Wording, Alliteration, Rhyme&Rhythm, Symbolism)
Tuesday, September 22

Fantastic work 9-1 for analyzing If and making connections to your Creed.

Monday, September 21

Students worked in groups to capture Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope. Maps are due Tuesday if not already handed in today. If you need more information check out: As well, read "If" by Rudyard Kipling and be ready to have  a discussion on the poem's message.


If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;   
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;   
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Source: A Choice of Kipling's Verse (1943)

Friday, September 18
- 70 items due for Monday

Thursday, September 17

Bucket List Items

5 people dead that you would like to have dinner with
10 restaurants you would like to try
10 career/financial goals
15 places to visit
20 people you would like to meet
30 random fun things you would like to do/everyday activities

Remember " A goal not written down is really only a wish."

Wednesday, September 16

Class discussion: Literally vs Figuratively Language

Literally: truth, happens in real life

Figuratively:  over reactions, exaggerations, add characteristics, help to get a point across, stories/songs/poems

Examples of figurative language: hyperboles; similies/metaphors; onomatopoeia; personification; cliche; alliteration

Watched: Wear Sunscreen --Baz Luhrmann

Watched: Fast Car --Tracy Chapman
Speech/Song Analysis Questions

1. What was it about?
2. What were some repeated words? Why were they repeated?
3. What was the tone? (aggressive, fast, long, calm etc)
4. What words were chosen that stuck out and why were they Fast Car
5. Any alliterations
6. Rhymes or Rhythms?
7. What was the structure?  Was there a structure or a specific order that things were said in?

Maps of Canada are due tomorrow, Wednesday September 16.  

More personal Creedo (September 10)

“ You can’t do what you say if you don’t believe it.”
“Credibility is not based on job titles or hierarchial positions but with the human being in the leader’s shoes”

1.       Revisit your childhood, until you were about ten years old.  This is when you learned to navigate the world.
a.       What do you remember being told about how to act or how to think?
b.      What were or are you beliefs about education and work?
c.       What has shaped your beliefs about marriage and family?
d.      What have you learned about money and the definition of success and failure?
e.      What are the messages about happiness, making mistakes, asserting yourself?
f.        Which of these ideas or principles still guide you now?  Which are useful (why?); how do they help, guide or support your and your daily life now?
g.       Which are no longer useful?  Why?

h.      When de it become time to let go of some old ways of thinking and acting?

My Creedo (September 8)
- a set of beliefs or aims that guide your actions.

Questions to ask yourself:
- What is my creed?
- How does my creed impact my life?
- How do outside forces affect my creed?
- Do we have conscious control over it or are we a product of our environment?
- Where did my creed come from?
- Does my creed stay the same or change over time?
- Can a creed be sold or bought?

Pick 2 or 3 of the questions above and in your journal do a free write.  If you decide that writing is not your thing - draw, web diagrams, point form it....get the juices flowing.

Current Events Sign Up
September 11
Aman & Euan;  Richard
September 18
Malek & Sam; Anika
October 2
Matthew & Jielin; Rowan
October 16
Dasuni & Breanna; Kyle & Cheyenne
October 23
Phoebe & Kaitlyn; Jack
November 6
Divine & Moose; Mitchell&Natasha
November 13
Kelli & Maeva; Naomi & Bryanna
November 27
Aidan & Alex; Olivia & Amanda
December 11
Quinn & Jayden; Kian
December 17
Michael & Mike; Steven & Daniel


September 11
Lynden; Hesham/Devaughn
September 18
Mara; Rebecca & Sydney
October 2
Julia; Pacifica & Shannon
October 16
Sarah & Amisha; Lei; Ahd & Nadeem
October 23
Mailan; Evan; Courtney
November 6
Simon & Harris ; Tommy & Lachlan
November 13
Huda; Areeba
November 27
Mihir & Karan; Sasha
December 11
Joey & Martin; Jessica & Sabrina
December 17
Hunayn & Taha; Kate & Lexi